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Showing posts from August, 2015

Sixth Form Vs. College: Where's Best?

Deciding where to continue your education after GCSEs can often put you in a difficult and stressful situation. Although further education isn't right for everyone, many people decide that they want another two years of studying. The question is, however, where should you go to do this? The two main options are sixth form or college. Despite the limited number of options of where to go, I was in this very stressful situation this time, last year and felt that it was only right for me to share the pros and cons of each from my perspective, in the hope that none of you have to go through the trauma of deciding where your next place of study lies three days before your due to start, like I did. Last September, I started at my school's sixth form centre. Obvious choice, yes? Well, actually, no, not in the slightest. For the twelve months prior to the 8th September 2014 when I would have to start my A Levels, I had been completely undecided of where to go. For most of my childho